As you may or may not have already read, the Play Haven Board has been working with HGM Associates, LLC, to redesign wing 7 of Peace Haven where the child care center will be located. May has been a busy month and we have a few updates! Preliminary designs are underway, and after a sneak peak of what is in the works for the space the Board is overjoyed with what is to come! Current estimates and space designs will accommodate up to 40 children from infants to age 4. We can’t wait to share more detailed designs sometime in June.
With this renovation comes a hefty price tag. The Board has taken great care to ensure we work with the highest quality firm to redesign the space and bring it up to all State requirements and codes for a child care center. Play Haven will be a high quality reliable source of child care for many in the community and into the future, and we want to make sure the time and effort is taken to do it well.
Wing 7 is around 4,000 square feet with about 3,000 of usable space. With current construction averages of cost per square foot, we have been given a construction cost estimate of $600,000-800,000. In order to start construction, we need to raise a minimum of $300,000.
The Board is diligently working on grants and corporate sponsorships help fund this large project, but we will need support from everyone in the community to make this project happen. As we all know it takes a village!
Below is a very rough timeline of what is to come. It is no secret that construction and renovations are a huge wild card. Ideally we hope to open our doors to Play Haven Child Care Center 12 months after construction begins. The Board is keenly aware of the urgent and critical need for child care in the community and that this timeline is far from ideal for many current and expecting parents. Please know that we care deeply about all of the children in the community and want to make sure the space is safe and secure for each and every child that walks through our doors.
We have long term plans beyond opening doors to a space for infants through age 4, and those will come in time with community support.
Please consider how your family can help fund this project.
If you wish to make a donation to this project, there are multiple ways to do so: leave a
payment with one of the above people, mail a payment to PO Box 513, Walnut or by PayPal or
venmo: @playhavenchildcare. We are a 501c3 non profit and your donations will be tax